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The biggest issues in Snoqualmie Pass involve access to the Source Lake drainage via the head of Lot 4, along with parking and travel into the Commonwealth Basin. The proximity of Snoqualmie Pass to Seattle results in a huge number of backcountry travelers. Lot 4, the upper parking lot at Alpental Ski area, is the site of choice for many user groups: Downhill skiers traverse back to the resort here from the sidecountry, backcountry riders skin up and return from the valley, snowshoers head out the cat track, and dog walkers and snowball fighters add to the mix. Those looking to access the Commonwealth face a sporty road crossing and limited parking. Things we are hoping to institute at the PCT trailhead:

  • Additional parking, via either plowing the summer trailhead or Franklin Falls road. The number of users accessing the Commonwealth basin is huge, but currently takes up a large chunk of parking at Summit West.

  • To additionally help manage this area, we want to work with DOT and the resort to explore a crosswalk or better pedestrian travel option near exit 52.

  • Interpretative signage to help winter visitors understand the hazards and options that lie in front of them.


At lot 4 and the upper Alpental Valley:

  • The continued grooming of a specific resort exit/downhill traffic lane.

  • A marked and maintained snowshoe trail to Source Lake for all foot traffic, or the popularization of the summer trail route for snowshoers.

  • A skintrack or uptrack route from lot 4 that avoids conflict with downhill skiers.

  • Signage, including a beacon check station, to help winter visitors understand the hazards and options that lie in front of them.



  • A designated dog-walking area in the valley. This will hopefully result in fewer dog/skier conflicts on the exit trail, and also attract visitors to the pass specifically to exercise their animals.


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Cascade Backcountry Alliance

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